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" Give to the world the best you have
and the best will come back to you. "

Germany Bavaria Philippines
*** Diese Seite hat das Familienleben als Hauptinhalt... um mit meiner Familie und Freunden in Philippinen bzw. aus andere Länder die Gelegenheit zu haben unsere Ereignisse hier in Deutschland teilen zu können.
Einfach anschauen wenn ihr wollt !!! Ich hoffe euch wird sie gefallen.
Ich fotografiere sehr gerne. Das macht richtig Spaß um schöne Erinnerungen zu behalten! Neue Ereignisse und Ideen werden von Zeit zu Zeit hinzugefügt.
Wünsche euch viel Spaß und bedanke mich für eurem Besuch.
P.S. Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr
in mein schreiben würdet. Danke!
Dear Family and Friends...
Sharing with you all thru this website... several photos of events, me and my family got here in Germany. Started this homepage with a volume of pics of us together taken during our last visit (Aug. 2007) of the Philippines.
Note: Click on the list "Family & Friends" (---> Philippines)
In the long run, thought of including themes like country profiles and other related interesting topics concerning the PHILIPPINES, as well as GERMANY and the state of BAVARIA (where we live), accordingly.
Much photos from several fields of interests are also posted in. From these add-ons are some short but inspiring true stories... words of wisdom to live by... and some 'get-to-know' ideas for everyday life.
Be continuously adding every so often, photos of future activities... events, new ideas, etc.
I´m at present in the process of adding several photos taken during our recent holiday trip to BERLIN (April 13-17, 2009). Pretty exhausting as it was... but we greatly enjoyed it and had a wonderful time wandering around the metropolis, as we´re glad being able to visit just enough famous places of interest in a relative short period of time.
As an extension, our overnight stay in Tropical Islands Resort in Brandenburg (the next day, i.e., just before we got home) was but as exciting! A very relaxing one indeed! The atmosphere inside this 20,000 square meter covered indoor complex is truly cozy.... serving as a sure guarantee for a feeling of great satisfaction for anyone. Among the scores of offered attractions and inviting services... our whiling the time on its man-made white beach and pools... and at the end, retiring our tiring bodies inside the offered tents... were already a big treat for us (i.e., coming from the couple of days of roaming around Berlin!). Can say, our stay there was absolutely perfect for this purpose!
Till then. Just please stay in track and have a nice time browsing through my website.
Let me thank each one just now for your next visit(s)!
My special regards to all of you. God bless!
Arrivederci... Have fun.


What an awesome sight !!!
Taken during a motorboat trip in our visiting
a fisherman´s village in Grado, Italy
* Much more photos from these fascinating sunset views,
you´ll find under "Holiday in Italy: Summer 2008"
Hope you enjoy them too.

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