Erfinder / Inventors
Alphabetically |
Inventor |
Year |
Invention |
Alois Alzheimer |
1906 |
die Alzheimer Krankheit Alzheimer's disease (discovery) |
Selmar Aschheim |
1928 |
Schwangerschaftstest first scientific pregnancy test |
Martin Leo Arons |
1892 |
Aronssche Röhre, Quecksilberdampflampe Arons tube, mercury vapor lamp |
Karl Benz |
1885 |
Kraftwagen automobile (Daimler-Benz) |
Emil Berliner |
1887 |
Grammophon, Mikrophon gramophone, microphone |
Karlheinz Brandenburg |
1995 |
MP3 MPEG Level 3, Fraunhofer Inst. |
Karl Ferdinand Braun |
1897 |
Braunsche Röhre cathode-ray tube
(Nobel Prize 1909) |
Wernher von Braun |
1940 |
V2- und Redstone-Raketen V2 and Redstone rockets |
Gottlieb Daimler |
1885 |
Kraftwagen automobile (Daimler-Benz) |
Adolf (Adi) Dassler |
1920 |
Sportschuh (adidas) athletic shoe |
Rudolf Diesel |
1885 |
der Dieselmotor diesel engine |
Paul Ehrlich |
1910 |
Salvarsan syphilis treatment, Nobel Prize 1908 |
Albert Einstein |
1905 |
Relativitätstheorie Theory of Relativity |
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit |
1709 |
Alkoholthermometer alcohol thermometer |
Heinrich Geissler |
1850 |
Geissler Röhre Geissler (flourescent) tube |
Edmund Germer |
1900 |
Neonlampe flourescent lamp |
Bernhard Grill |
1995 |
MP3 MPEG Level 3, Fraunhofer Inst. |
Johannes Gutenberg |
1440 |
Buchdruckerkunst movable type |
Peter Henlein |
ca. 1510 |
die Unruh balance spring (clockwork) |
Heinrich R. Hertz |
1888 |
elektromagnetische Wellen electromagnetic waves |
Felix Hoffmann (Bayer AG) |
1899 |
Aspirin Aspirin®, aspirin* |
*In Germany and many other countries, aspirin is a registered trademark belonging to Bayer AG, the company that invented the name "aspirin." In 1995 Bayer (pron. BYE-er) bought back the US rights to the Bayer Aspirin brand in North America, but aspirin is still not a trademarked name in the US. About Link: History of Aspirin from Inventors @ About.
Robert Koch |
1876 |
Milzbrand-Bakterium anthrax bacterium, Nobel Prize in Medicine 1905 |
Hedy Lamarr |
1942 |
Wechselspektrum spread spectrum technology
Web > Hedy Lamarr |
Otto Lilienthal |
1896 |
Segelflugzeug glider |
Zitat: Opfer müssen gebracht werden. - Last words of Otto Lilienthal after his glider crashed, following several successful flights in 1896.
Karl von Linde |
1876 |
Kühlschrank ammonia refrigerator |
Ernst Mach |
1877 |
Mach'scher Zahl Mach number (speed of an object relative to speed of sound)
Web > Wikipedia - Mach |
Paul H. Müller |
1939 |
Walther Hermann Nernst |
1920 |
Nobelpreis Nobel Prize, thermochemistry |
Paul Nipkow |
1884 |
Nipkow-Scheibe Nipkow scanning disk (TV) |
Nikolaus August Otto |
1877 |
Viertakt-Verbrennungsmotor four-stroke internal combustion engine |
Emil Rathenau |
1884 |
Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft (AEG) |
Philipp Reis |
1861 |
Telefon telephone prototype |
Zitat: Ein Pferd frißt keinen Gurkensalat - Words spoken by Philipp Reis while testing his new telephone in 1861.
Wilhelm C. Röntgen |
1895 |
Röntgenstrahlen X-rays (discovery), Nobel Prize in Physics 1901 |
Ludwig Roselius |
1906 |
Entkoffeinierung - Decaffeination of coffee |
Ernst Ruska |
1931 |
Elektronenmikroskop electron microscope, Nobel Prize in Physics 1986 |
Charles Proteus Steinmetz |
1902 |
Wechselstrom, Blitzforschung alternating current, lightning research |
Levi Strauss |
1853 |
die Jeans, blue jeans, Levi's |
Werner von Siemens |
1867 |
Dynamo dynamo generator |
Felix Wankel |
1954 |
Kreiskolbenmotor rotary cylinder engine |
August Paul von Wassermann |
1906 |
Wassermann-Test for syphilis |
Graf Ferdinand von Zeppelin |
1900 |
Zeppelin-Luftschiff rigid airship |
Bernhard Zondek |
1928 |
Schwangerschaftstest first scientific pregnancy test |
Konrad Zuse |
1941 |
Z1-Z4-Rechner Z1-Z4 computers - The Z3 was the first programmable computer |