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  German Inventors & Discoverers

German Inventors and Discoverers

German and other Innovators

Inventions and Discoveries

The list below is a sampling of German, Austrian and Swiss inventors and researchers. It emphasizes people who developed practical and significant technologies, companies or devices that either still exist today or that represent important scientific and technological milestones. 


Erfinder / Inventors
Alois Alzheimer 1906 die Alzheimer Krankheit Alzheimer's disease (discovery)
Selmar Aschheim 1928 Schwangerschaftstest first scientific pregnancy test
Martin Leo Arons 1892 Aronssche Röhre, Quecksilberdampflampe Arons tube, mercury vapor lamp
Karl Benz 1885 Kraftwagen automobile (Daimler-Benz)
Emil Berliner 1887 Grammophon, Mikrophon gramophone, microphone
Karlheinz Brandenburg 1995 MP3 MPEG Level 3, Fraunhofer Inst.
Karl Ferdinand Braun 1897 Braunsche Röhre cathode-ray tube
(Nobel Prize 1909)
Wernher von Braun 1940 V2- und Redstone-Raketen V2 and Redstone rockets
Gottlieb Daimler 1885 Kraftwagen automobile (Daimler-Benz)
Adolf (Adi) Dassler 1920 Sportschuh (adidas) athletic shoe
Rudolf Diesel 1885 der Dieselmotor diesel engine
Paul Ehrlich 1910 Salvarsan syphilis treatment, Nobel Prize 1908
Albert Einstein 1905 Relativitätstheorie Theory of Relativity
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit 1709 Alkoholthermometer alcohol thermometer
Heinrich Geissler 1850 Geissler Röhre Geissler (flourescent) tube
Edmund Germer 1900 Neonlampe flourescent lamp
Bernhard Grill 1995 MP3 MPEG Level 3, Fraunhofer Inst.
Johannes Gutenberg 1440 Buchdruckerkunst movable type
Peter Henlein ca. 1510 die Unruh balance spring (clockwork)
Heinrich R. Hertz 1888 elektromagnetische Wellen electromagnetic waves
Felix Hoffmann (Bayer AG) 1899 Aspirin Aspirin®, aspirin*

*In Germany and many other countries, aspirin is a registered trademark belonging to Bayer AG, the company that invented the name "aspirin." In 1995 Bayer (pron. BYE-er) bought back the US rights to the Bayer Aspirin brand in North America, but aspirin is still not a trademarked name in the US. About Link: History of Aspirin from Inventors @ About.

Robert Koch 1876 Milzbrand-Bakterium anthrax bacterium, Nobel Prize in Medicine 1905
Hedy Lamarr 1942 Wechselspektrum spread spectrum technology
Web >
Hedy Lamarr
Otto Lilienthal 1896 Segelflugzeug glider

Opfer müssen gebracht werden. - Last words of Otto Lilienthal after his glider crashed, following several successful flights in 1896.

Karl von Linde 1876 Kühlschrank ammonia refrigerator
Ernst Mach 1877 Mach'scher Zahl Mach number (speed of an object relative to speed of sound)
Web >
Wikipedia - Mach
Paul H. Müller 1939 DDT DDT
Walther Hermann Nernst 1920 Nobelpreis Nobel Prize, thermochemistry
Paul Nipkow 1884 Nipkow-Scheibe Nipkow scanning disk (TV)
Nikolaus August Otto 1877 Viertakt-Verbrennungsmotor four-stroke internal combustion engine
Emil Rathenau 1884 Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft (AEG)
Philipp Reis 1861 Telefon telephone prototype

Zitat: Ein Pferd frißt keinen Gurkensalat - Words spoken by Philipp Reis while testing his new telephone in 1861.

Wilhelm C. Röntgen 1895 Röntgenstrahlen X-rays (discovery), Nobel Prize in Physics 1901
Ludwig Roselius 1906 Entkoffeinierung - Decaffeination of coffee
Ernst Ruska 1931 Elektronenmikroskop electron microscope, Nobel Prize in Physics 1986
Charles Proteus Steinmetz 1902 Wechselstrom, Blitzforschung alternating current, lightning research
Levi Strauss 1853 die Jeans, blue jeans, Levi's
Werner von Siemens 1867 Dynamo dynamo generator
Felix Wankel 1954 Kreiskolbenmotor rotary cylinder engine
August Paul von Wassermann 1906 Wassermann-Test for syphilis
Graf Ferdinand von Zeppelin 1900 Zeppelin-Luftschiff rigid airship
Bernhard Zondek 1928 Schwangerschaftstest first scientific pregnancy test
Konrad Zuse 1941 Z1-Z4-Rechner Z1-Z4 computers - The Z3 was the first programmable computer

The list below is similar to the previous list, only in chronological order. It shows German, Austrian, and Swiss inventions and discoveries by the year they appeared.

Erfindungen / Inventions
Click on a name or invention for more
Erfindung - Entdeckung
Invention - Discovery
1440 Buchdruckerkunst movable type Johannes Gutenberg
1510 die Unruh balance spring (clockwork) Peter Henlein
1709 Alkoholthermometer alcohol thermometer Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
1714 Quecksilberthermometer mercury thermometer Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
1850 Geissler Röhre Geissler (flourescent) tube Heinrich Geissler
1861 Telefon telephone Philipp Reis
1867 Dynamo dynamo generator Werner von Siemens
1876 Kühlschrank ammonia refrigerator Karl von Linde
1877 Viertakt-Verbrennungsmotor four-stroke internal combustion engine Nikolaus August Otto
1884 Nipkow-Scheibe Nipkow scanning disk (TV) Paul Nipkow
1884 Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft (AEG) Emil Rathenau
1885 Kraftwagen automobile (Daimler-Benz) Karl Benz
1885 Kraftwagen automobile (Daimler-Benz) Gottlieb Daimler
1885 der Dieselmotor diesel engine Rudolf Diesel
1887 Grammophon, Mikrophon gramophone, microphone Emil Berliner
1888 Elektromagnetischewellen electromagnetic waves Heinrich R. Hertz
1892 Aronssche Röhre, Quecksilberdampflampe Arons tube, mercury vapor lamp Martin Leo Arons
1895 Röntgenstrahlen X-rays (discovery), Nobel Prize in Physics 1901 Wilhelm C. Röntgen
1896 Segelflugzeug glider Otto Lilienthal
1897 Braunsche Röhre cathode-ray tube
(Nobel Prize 1909)
Karl Ferdinand Braun
1899 Aspirin Aspirin®, aspirin Felix Hoffmann (Bayer AG)
1900 Neonlampe flourescent lamp Edmund Germer
1900 Zeppelin-Luftschiff rigid airship Graf Ferdinand von Zeppelin
1902 Wechselstrom, Blitzforschung alternating current, lightning research Charles Proteus Steinmetz
1906 Entkoffeinierung - Decaffeination process patented Ludwig Roselius
1906 Wassermann-Test for syphilis August Paul von Wassermann
1920 Sportschuh (adidas) athletic shoe Adolf (Adi) Dassler
1920 Nobelpreis Nobel Prize, thermochemistry Walther Hermann Nernst
1928 Schwangerschaftstest first scientific pregnancy test Selmar Aschheim
1931 Elektronenmikroskop electron microscope, Nobel Prize in Physics 1986 Ernst Ruska
1939 DDT DDT Paul H. Müller
1942 V2-Rakete V2 rocket Wernher von Braun
1942 Wechselspektrum spread spectrum technology Hedy Lamarr (Web)
1945 Z1-Z4-Rechner Z1-Z4 computers - The Z3 was the first programmable computer Konrad Zuse
1954 Kreiskolbenmotor rotary cylinder engine Felix Wankel
1960 Redstone-Rakete Redstone rocket (US) Wernher von Braun
1995 MP3 MPEG Level 3, Fraunhofer Inst. Karlheinz Brandenburg
Bernhard Grill

From Aspirin to Zeppelin: Erfinder und Erfindungen

A related article on German inventors and inventions. 

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